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Tips When Relocating to Study in the USA

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The land of the free has always been a place where people have wanted to come to and especially for the opportunity to study at some of the best universities in the world.  The USA has over 1,000,000 students in higher education and nearly 5% are international students.

If you are planning to study in America, you need to consider the following 7 key points.

1. Student Visas

You need to apply for a student visa that will give you the right to study at a university in the USA. The most common visa is an F1, which will restrict the amount of work that you are able to do to 20 hours part time work on campus only.

2. A student Healthcare insurance policy

You need to ensure that you have in place a valid private health insurance policy for the whole time that you are studying on the course. Many universities offer their own policies for foreign students at advantageous rates, so always check with your university before taking out your policy.

3. Budget properly

The costs involved in moving to America are large. If you are studying at a university as an international student, the course fees and accommodation costs are high. However, you know what these are going into the course and there are several bursaries and scholarships that are available to help. Make sure that you also include in your budget the cost of socialising and travel.

4. Use a professional international removal firm

Obvious costs include your course fees and accommodation, however there are other expenses that you need to also consider. When you are travelling with boxes of books and luggage, the freight cost of sending parcels to USA can be very high. One option to keep your costs down is to use a removal specialist such as Courierpoint. Their luggage shipping service can collect all of your boxes and bags, then ship them door to door for you. They even provide free luggage label holders for your suitcases, proactively track your shipment and notify you on delivery for complete piece of mind. However, the real benefit is that work is done by branded international courier services that you know and trust at prices that you cannot get elsewhere.

5. Select the right accommodation

If you are an international student, then probably your university will have provided halls of residence for you. However international students will usually all stay in the same halls of residence, so make sure that you research where this is and apply early to avoid disappointment.

6. Get a student bank account

It is helpful to get an international student bank account in the USA that you can transfer money to. It will make paying for items that much easier when you are at university. You will need to pass money laundering regulations and this can take longer for foreign nationals, therefore allow plenty of time to apply before your course. Usually you will be asked to supply a copy of your Current Passport, Proof of address and a letter showing your enrolment, but check as this may vary from bank to bank.

7. Student Safety

The culture in the USA may be different to what you are used to locally. Therefore, after you arrive remember to keep a eye on your valuables and generally keep them locked up or on you. It is a good idea to ensure that all of your IT equipment has good locks or password security in place.

Staying vigilant and being careful is very important. You will usually be given telephone numbers to campus security, and you will want to save those numbers. I would suggest always walking at night with a friend, until you know the areas well.

Make sure that you always lock your flat or room door, and be careful to close all doors that have automatic locks on them when they shut. Keep your windows closed and locked when you are not in your room.

I hope that you find these tip about relocating to study in the USA useful.

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