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Tips to Rent a Self-storage Unit

If you’d like to free up some space in your home, renting a storage unit can be a wise move. And on the face of it, moving stuff to a storage unit might seem like a very simple prospect. However you can get entangled in unforeseen issues if you do not do your homework properly. Once you’ve got everything packed up, it’s essential that the actual moving is a smooth process. Here are some tips to ensure that your moving experience is done right:

1.      Specify the moving vehicle that can fit your stuff

Even before you rent a storage unit, you should make sure that you’ve chosen a moving company. When negotiating a deal, make sure to ask the company on the type of vehicle they’ll be using. You don’t want to order a freight truck to move a few boxes. If you have bigger possessions like pianos, you need to tell the moving company that you will need a suitable vehicle to transport these goods. To ensure that you only pay for what you need, calculate the amount of space your stuff will take up. Communicate these requirements to the company and choose the vehicle that comes to nearest to matching the dimensions.

2.      Pay a visit to the storage company

Before closing the deal with the movers, pay a visit to the storage company. These companies have to maximize the amount of storage they have, so navigating the space might be a tricky prospect. Assess the appropriate type of vehicle that will fit through these spaces so you do not accidentally order the wrong one.

3.      Educate the movers about your things

Professional unloaders are pretty good at their job. But if you’ve got everything packed in a cardboard box, they won’t know how to handle them properly. Take the initiative of bringing the unloaders up to speed about the type of items they’ll be dealing with.

It’s also a good idea to have a plan in place on how you’d like the stored items to be arranged. Some things you might need quick access to, and some things might never see the light of the day again. Keep these factors in mind and communicate them to the unloaders.

4.      Take measurements of the space your items will occupy

You do not want to rent a space based on approximations. Take the time to actually lay out your to-be-stored items in the way you’d want them to be in the storage unit. Calculate the space they occupy and rent a space that will be able to afford these measurements.

If you find that you have slight overflow of measurements, ask your friends or family if they can help store it. Another option would be to ask the storage company to provide you with the smallest possible unit that will be able to store the overflow.

5.      Check for deals & Coupons

Self-storage companies compete with each other to get new customers. They offer discounts all the time. For example, If you are looking for a storage unit in Edison, NJ,  Just google and check the ads appearing in the search results. You will find free month & inexpensive rent offers all the time.


It’s quite easy to lose sight of the obvious factors when moving stuff. It might seem like a straight-forward process but it can actually take days of planning. The above mentioned tips will help you in renting a suitable storage unit and the appropriate moving vehicle – check Uhaul for trucks. Pay attention to the tips concerning the space your items occupy, as these will save you money.

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