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Tips for Moving Out of Country

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Deciding to move out of the country you currently live in, such as moving from Canada to the United States, is a major life decision and one that should not be entered into lightly. Moving to a new country will take a lot of preparation and consideration, and you will want to be sure you are fully prepared for all the move will take. If you can get yourself organized well ahead of the move, there is no reason it shouldn’t go smoothly. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your big move to a new country and new life.

Getting the Proper Documentation

If you know that you will be making the move to a new country, one of the very first things you will want to do is make sure your passport is up to date, explains WikiHow. This is also a good time to start looking into what steps you will have to take to secure a more permanent form of residency in the country you are moving to. For example, if you are moving to the United States, you will want to look into applying for a visa and how to get started with the process of applying for citizenship if that is your end goal. Regardless, you will need to have the proper documentation to enter and remain in the country you are moving to for an extended period of time—you will also need this documentation to be able to work.

Planting Your Roots

Your instinct may be to rush into buying a car, home, and other major purchases that will make the new country feel more like home, but The Huffington Post explains that this may not be the best idea. They suggest that rather than rushing into all these major purchases at once, you should really learn the local culture and get a feel for what you will really need. For example, if you are moving to New York City, it very well may be that buying a car is not a necessary cost you need to factor in as public transit is rich. Even when it comes to buying a home, it may be a smarter move to rent for a year or so and feel out the market to find the best home for you.

Work, Play, and Culture

Of course, moving would not be the best move if you did not have some sort of plan as to how you would be supporting yourself once you get there. If you are moving due to a relocation of your job, then you likely have the work situation figured out. However, if you are moving and do not already have a job, start your search well before you actually make the move. Once you arrive, don’t be afraid to take a break from all of the seriousness of the relocation to take in the culture and entertainment of your new surroundings.

If you are planning on making a major move, whether you are moving from Canada or from another country, you should prepare yourself for all that will lie ahead. Have a plan and do not rush into major purchase. This is more than a move, it is a major change in your life—don’t be afraid to enjoy it.

Ashely has moved out of the country a few years ago. She likes to share moving tips and ideas. To see more, check out her Twitter @ashelymarie1985.

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