Moving house can be an incredible ordeal and a lot of work, especially if you have lived in your current home for a long time. You will have several years of belongings to sell, donate, throw away and box up and then you will have to move all of these items across the country or even further. It can be somewhat stressful and it takes a lot of time and effort.
In order to make your move go more smoothly and save time when the Estes moving trucks arrive, there are a few things that you can do. There is a certain order when you are packing boxes that makes sense, so that you will have items when you need them. Here are some tips for what you should pack and unpack first and last.
Pack the Things You Open Last, First
The idea of packing things in the right order is so that you can make your move more convenient. You don’t have to wait until the last day to put everything in a box, as this is leaving a lot of work to the last minute unnecessarily. Instead, a few weeks or even months before your move you can start to box up a few items and prepare them to move. These will be the items that you don’t use very often and will likely not need to access in the few weeks until you move.
Then, you can start to pack up your most important items closer to the day of your move. This will make the job easier and by the time the last day rolls around, you will only have a few essential items left to pack away. Also, when you arrive at your new home you can unpack the daily items first then unpack the others later on.
Christmas decorations are a perfect example of this. If it is nowhere near Christmas time, you can simply box up your Christmas decorations and your tree and get them ready to move. This also applies to seasonal clothing such as winter boots and coats in the summer or sandals and swimsuits in the winter. Other items in this category could be keepsakes, memorabilia, family photos or anything else that you often keep stored away in your attic or cupboards. These items can all be packed up as you will not need them for a while. Also, they will likely be the last boxes to be unpacked at your new home.
And the Things You Open First, Last
On the opposite end of things, what are the items that you should save packing until the end? They are the items that you need and use every day and that you will be unpacking first when you arrive at your new home. It is a good idea to pack one box that is full of the essential necessities, so that you can have all of these items on hand when you arrive at your new home. This box would likely include:
· Towels and bathroom toiletries such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste.
· Enough plates, cups and utensils for dinner on the first night.
· Your chargers for your electronic mobile devices, such as tablets, laptops or phones.
· Basic cleaning supplies such as a dustpan and a small broom, as well as a cloth and a cleaning spray.
· Toilet paper and paper towels.
· A cheap shower curtain, so that you can have a shower in the new bathtub without splashing water everywhere. You can always replace it with a nicer one later.
· A first aid kit for any emergency.
· A set of bedding and pillowcases, so that you at least have something to sleep in on your first night.
Pack all of these items, so that this box can be the first thing you unpack when you arrive at your new home. You could be arriving tired and late in the evening, but if this box is the only thing you have the energy to unpack then it will have everything you need to get you through until morning.
These are just a few things to keep in mind when you are moving house, so that your move will go smoothly and easily.
Jeremy S is a freelance writer and blogger. He writes a blog of practical tips for home owners and he recently moved house with his wife and two kids, to a larger home in the countryside.