• Clean up the furniture before wrapping it. This will prevent the growth of mildew, mold and other unpleasant substances on its surface. Wipe the entirety of it gently with an antibacterial cleanser and when you are done let it dry. This will prevent mold as well as keeping it nice and clean at the same time. If you have to store leather furniture consider taking it to a professional cleaning company if the need arises.
• Polish all metal surfaces and apply lacquer to prevent rust from forming. A light coat of it will do as you don’t want to use far too much – you will need to remove it when you take the furniture out of storage eventually.
• Disassemble any furniture which can be disassembled. Beds and tables should be fixed that way as this will make them much easier to handle and store in any storage facility, garage or any other place you are using at the time. You will find it much easier to wrap later when there are less parts to get in the way.
• Choosing the right wrapping material is also very important. There are many varieties out there on the market but long-term storage needs something sturdy and capable of withstanding the ravages of time. Fabric pads are an excellent solution to the problem as they will prove to be reusable and they will let moisture pass through. Shrink wrap also known as Saran wrap can be useful but it has the unfortunate ability to trap moisture like any other nylon surface. Bubble wrap will unfortunately deflate as years pass by. Paper is a decent choice but it becomes easily worn out and it serves very little purpose beyond being a cost-wise cheap solution.
• Secure drawers tightly to the furniture pieces to keep them from falling out. Even the smallest of movements can affect the condition of your wrapping so pay heed.
• Wrap the furniture firmly as you don’t want to have any dust collecting in the gaps. Leave no empty spaces and this will also help keep it safer from damages.
• Wrap corners of furniture very well as they are the most vulnerable spots. When you do this you should avoid contact between different pieces of furniture by keeping all edges away from flat surfaces where they can rub off and scratch.
Read more ideas at http://londonremovals.co/self-storage/