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What To Look For In A Self Storage Unit

If the clutter in your home or office is getting out of control, one solution can be to rent a self storage unit to house many of the things you don’t regularly use.  This can be a great solution to free up valuable space in your home and de-clutter your living areas.  There are, however, a few things to keep in mind when you’re looking for the right self storage unit to rent.  Here are a few things to keep in mind.

First, analyze what types of items you’ll be storing to help you in determining what type of unit you’ll need.  Some units are basic, designed for typical household items, while others offer temperature and humidity control for safer storage of electronics and other sensitive items.  Still others offer cold storage, which can be used for a variety of needs including food and perishable items.  Decide which items you’ll be storing, and what type of storage unit is required to safely preserve them.

There are likely a variety of self storage companies in your area, so call around for sizes and prices.  If you don’t know the size you’ll need, describe how many things you’ll be storing, and get some advice from the provider.  It’s always better to go with a unit that’s a bit bigger, rather than running out of room and having to move it all a second time, so be sure to keep that in mind as you choose.

It’s a good idea to stop and take a look around at the various places that offer self storage units.  Check to be sure that units are clean and free from moisture, dust, mildew and humidity.  If you’re only planning to store kitchen items, for example, this might not be an overly critical point to consider, but it may still be useful in comparing facilities.

Security is a big issue with self storage, and there are several factors that can make an impact on your decision of where to rent.  Each unit should be properly protected in a number of ways.  You’ll be locking the door, but security is more than a padlock.  Check to be sure there are adequate lights all around the facility, as these can be helpful in deterring possible thieves.  Ideally, a facility should also be completely fenced to help protect your valuables.  Look to see how many entrances there are, and how each is controlled.  A single entry with a computerized gate system is the best way a facility can be set up for optimum security.

Ask about the security staff, as well.  Some have no security whatsoever, and just rely on locks and gates to protect your valuables.  Others have security guards with closed circuit TV systems that are monitored 24/7.  Again, this depends on the value of what you’ll be storing.  If it’s just odds and ends, it might be okay to go with less security.  If, however, you’re storing computers, pricey furniture, antiques or other valuables, more security is always better.

If you’re planning to store papers and sensitive articles, go for storage units that are temperature controlled.  Limiting the amount of humidity in the air can go a long way toward preserving your papers and ensuring they’ll be there for you when you need them.

Search for self storage units near you.

2 thoughts on “What To Look For In A Self Storage Unit”

  1. it’s best to stay up on your self storage knowledge, keeping safety in mind. Knowing what items are not recommended for a self storage unit is the best way to keep them from entering your rental unit, even by accident. you are going to save your precious products and it’s your right to take care and learn about the self storage before it’s use.

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