Moving a business can be considered a daunting task. There are many tasks to plan and consider when making a move. One important note to remember is that there is no such thing as too much planning. Begin making your plan as soon as possible – even before you officially decide to move. And then review that plan frequently, adjusting and modifying where necessary. Here are some items to review as part of your moving plan:
Communicate why you are moving to your employees, business associates, and customers. Whether it is to provide more space, to save on fixed costs, or a better location for logistics and customer traffic; it is important that the message is communicated clearly in order to avoid too much anxiety.
Consider what will be moving. Will you only move the office, or just the warehouse? Should the entire move happen at once, or in stages? Will there be equipment, computers, and stock to move as well as desks and files? Take an inventory and categorize all of the various items that will need to be moved.
Get several estimates on moving expenses. Moving companies can charge for the labor, storage, transport, boxes, packing, and special handling for sensitive equipment. Compare your estimates and research the companies carefully before making a decision.
Perform a general house cleaning before moving. Often businesses accumulate unnecessary items over time such as old sales materials, obsolete equipment, defective stock, and so on. You can get rid of many things before moving, which will lessen the load when the time comes to pack up and clean up afterwards. Also consider using portable storage for items as well – you can save money by using a pods promotional code.
Review your current lease documents and discuss the transition to make sure any deposits or loose ends are resolved well before the lights are turned off. File the change of address with the post office, and plan the utility and phone line cut offs with your providers.
Do not forget the cyber-move. Announce the transition in a positive way online and via emails. Answer any questions or concerns promptly and honestly. Make the appropriate address changes on your website, in your shipping information, and any other website listings.
Customers can panic easily when a move is announced. Be sure to stay close to your customers, giving them as much information as possible about the move and any potential service disruptions. Reassure the customers that their services will be kept at the level they expect to the best of your ability.
Having a plan in writing can keep you focused on all the critical tasks. Delegate where possible, assigning employees to oversee certain events such as computer packing or stock moves.
Keep a positive attitude throughout the entire move. Your most critical job is to maintain productivity through positive motivation and reinforcement. Keeping it fun while staying focused on the transition will make the move smooth for your business.