If you’re looking for software that can help you manage your self storage facilities, one of the names you might encounter is Domico. The company is a leading provider of accounting and management software in the industry. It has been in business for more than twenty-five years and has thus established a solid reputation for the reliability of its products and services. Over the years, they have innovated and adapted to the times by investing in research and development. The feedback of their loyal customers has also helped the firm meet the changing needs of companies today.
There are many things that make the Domico self storage software stand out. One thing is undeniable though: the technology behind the product is world-class. Here are some of the benefits you can expect by choosing the firm as your self storage provider:
• The interface is user-friendly, effective, and fast
• All products offered by the firm are equipped with the latest Microsoft systems
• For accounting functions, the software is good for true accrual accounting because it is based on the General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
• Domico offers reliable PC-driven application with access to the internet (other self storage facilities cannot provide both)
• The technology is tested to be reliable as the company has been in the business for 25 years
• Satisfaction guarantee
Despite its strong credentials, it is inevitable that some clients would find certain aspects of the technology a cause of concern. There are issues with its compatibility with some hardware systems. For example, when you install a new printer, it might take a few tries and several modifications on the setting before the problem can be fixed.
Another issue that stops most people from using the Domico software is the price. It is an expensive piece of technology and you’ll have to pay for technical support services. While the price range is compatible with other self storage software of its class, it is still unaffordable for many businesses. If you’re running a large enterprise though, it may be possible to get a discount.
There are other options available in the market. For example, some firms offer affordable prices when you purchase the product in the hopes that you’ll want to pay for technical support as well. Meanwhile, some firms use an opposite approach by charging a high price for the product but offering free customer service. Whatever the case, the most important thing is to carefully study the features offered by the self storage software.
As a self storage software, Domico is a pretty good option. Some of its notable functions include an ability to track marketing efforts, a one-page facility summary, site health check, color-coded site map, and a detailed history of customer transactions. Given all the positives and negatives of the Domico self storage software, it is up to you to decide if the features offered is right for your company. A demo is available in the company website if you wish to see how it works.