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Moving to UAE with Children? Keep These Regulations and Rules in Check

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If you are planning to move to UAE with children, then there are certain regulations and rules you need to keep into account. However, you do not need to struggle with hard-to-understand terms, because today Wise Move Online will explain it all to you in a simple and effective manner!

You need to make sure that everything is perfect before taking this big step, and we will help you from beginning to end. Thanks to our system, you can find the best moving companies, but we will also help you to know all the regulations and rules.

A Proper Overview:

Let’s summarize it all by giving you a proper overview and answering all the most important questions regarding this topic:

What institution regulates schools in the UAE?

Answer: The Ministry of Education. This is the institution in charge of regulating schools in every emirate, although, it is important to keep into account that some emirates may have different rules and regulations in some aspects.

What is the start date of the academic year?

Answer: From 3 September 2017 to 5 July 2018. Children will have to assist to 181 instruction days. They will start their classes from 10 September to 28 June 2018. The start date of the academic year is the same for all schools and emirates.

There are three breaks during the year:

  1. 4-week winter break
  2. 2-week spring break
  3. Regular summer break

What do I need to provide for my children to assist to school in the UAE?

Answer: There are many documents, but the most important is the “Transfer Certificate” from your children’s current school. This special letter, which must be completed by the School Principal, is necessary to confirm your child’s assistance and other important details of his education.

This document needs to have the official school stamp and must be written on official Letter-headed paper.

Finally, these institutions may need to be involved to attest the validity of the document:

  1. UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (and from the home country)
  2. Ministry of Education
  3. The UAE Embassy

Caution: The “Transfer Certificate” has a validity of 30 days.

Will my children have to attend a special kind of classes?

Answer: Unlike the majority of Western countries, the correct group for your children will be determined by their age until the age of six. Therefore, these are some of the classes they will have to attend despite having completed them in their home country:

  1. KG1
  2. FS2
  3. FS1

Unfortunately, there are no exceptions for this rule. You and your children just need to embrace it, because there is no other way around it.

Can I register my kids during term-time?

Answer: This is a tricky one, because it may be or not be possible. For example, it is easier to do it during the first and second term. Although, it is also possible in the early stages of the third term, yet not guaranteed.

What is the most flexible Emirate in terms of education?

Answer: Dubai. For example, if you relocate with your children to the UAE for a September start date, then they will have to repeat the academic year, because regulations consider that your children have not completed the school year in their home country.

If your children have not completed the whole year, then they will have to repeat it. The unique way to bypass this regulation is to comply with it, which means that the “Transfer Certificate” needs to certificate that your children have completed the academic year.

This is the case for all emirates except Dubai, which is very flexible in this matter. For example, if your children have completed two semesters in their home country, then they will be promoted to the next year group.

Critical Regulations and Rules to Keep in Check:

Now that we have answered the most common and essential questions, it is time to talk about very important regulations and rules regarding the education of your children in the UAE.

About Curriculums:

If your children belong to any of the following, then it will be a bit harder to secure places in any school:

  1. US Curriculum (grades 9-12)
  2. UK Curriculum (years 10 to 13)
  3. IB Diploma Programme ( grades 11-12 and years 12-13)

However, do not worry, because the difficulties will only be present if they try to join a partway through either of the 2-year A Level, IB Diploma or GCSE programmes.

Finally, the same difficulties will arise if your children try to join a school with an US curriculum from another. Therefore, it is very important to secure a place before relocating, in order to deal with the problems early.

About Applications:

Primary and Elemental Schools:

Once you have applied for places for your children, then a new process will begin. The Admission staff will take care of reviewing the applications before passing it to the competent academic staff.

If the school your children are applying to has the same curriculum, then you will have to provide school reports so they can be reviewed, standardized test results and confidential assessments.

Secondary Schools:

It is the same process, but in this case, they may rely on reports and offer remote assessment, something that primary schools usually do not offer. However, they will have to attend an interview in the UAE School in many cases.

Finally, it is important to take into account that the school may offer a conditional place, which will be put to subject during the assessment test and interview.

Bottom Line:

These are the regulations and rules you need to keep into account when moving to the UAE with children. It can be a tedious process, and that is why you need to do it with plenty of time in advance.

If you have any question, just let us know. We will get back to you as soon as possible, so you can start planning your relocation!

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