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Car Storage Care if Cars Are to Be Left Undriven

Car While cars are meant to be used, and driven regularly, there can be periods when people have to leave them unused, for example when they have to travel. The best method of taking care of vehicles is to leave them in professional car storage facilities where they are attended to and are in comfort and safety. When vehicles are left unattended for longer periods, there can be rust and corrosion on the vehicle body, and there are hazards of sludge or acids which can form in the oil inside the engine. The paint suffers too, as it is subjected to sunlight and can fade and deteriorate in quality. The leather and rubber parts can deteriorate too. It is clear that the best choice is professional storage which guarantees protection from all adverse conditions, especially in the harsh winter season.

People can take some essential precautions for their cars, either if they plan to leave them in car storage facilities or if they have to leave them outside. Especially when they plan to leave cars unattended for a long time, getting them covered is paramount. People who do not have their garages can rent garages, or if that is not feasible in the specific case, they can store their vehicles inside some kind of portable enclosures. In the event that cars are to be completely sealed from the outside air, some bags of desiccant should be added inside the storage enclosures, in order to absorb the trapped moisture. If cars are to be left outside, not protected by any kind of enclosure, some quality cover should be used to protect them, made of thick, preferably multilayered fabric.

A car’s fuel system is also an area where a host of problems can arise. In a car stored with its tank empty, inside the system there can be condensation of moisture which can cause corrosion. If there is fuel left inside, it can break down, little by little, and give rise to gum and varnish. To prevent this from occurring, a car’s owner should add stabiliser to the tank. After the stabiliser is added, the car should be driven for a distance of about 10 miles. In this way the stabiliser will be able to circulate through the fuel system. The best option is to leave the car with the tank full. But in the event that the car is to be stored in some enclosed area where the occurrence of fumes cause problems, the tank should be emptied to leave it about half way full.

People can also take some other measures. The oil and the filter should be changed, as used oil abounds in acids and moisture that are instrumental in developing corrosion. Cars to be left undriven should be filled with fresh oil and then driven for some miles, so that the new oil can circulate properly inside. The spark plugs should also be protected: The plugs should be removed, oil should be poured into the cylinders, then the plugs should be replaced; that is an efficient measure which provides coating for the cylinders to prevent the occurrence of rust.

Read more car care tips from Plymouth storage.

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