By: Darci Maxwell
Fall is right around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited! There are so many wonderful
things about autumn that make it many people’s favorite time of the year. So along with thinking
about what your storage needs are and getting cleaned up for fall here are 15 things that I love
that I hope will help you too get excited for the changing seasons.
Pumpkin Everything
I am a personal fan of the pumpkin everything mindset. I admit that I sometimes make pumpkin
bread in March, so I’m glad it’s finally becoming normal again. This year I’m going to make any
excuse to bake pumpkin bread, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, roasted pumpkin seeds, and
The Weather Cools Down
It seems like this summer has been the hottest one in years. There were heat waves across the
country, causing youtubers to see if they could bake cookies on the dashboard of their car. It will
be wonderful to have liveable temperatures again.
Fall Fashion
I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to wear sweaters and boots once again. I love wrapping
up in a warm sweater on cool fall nights and looking quite fashionable accessorising with a cute
Bugs Disappear
Another great thing about fall is that the bugs disappear for the rest of the year. As much as I
love summer, I do not love the spiders, mosquitoes, flies, etc. I can’t wait for them to go away.
School Starts Once Again
While I don’t have kids of my own, I sympathize with parents who can finally send their kids
back to school. By the end of the summer, they’re bored, antsy, and driving their parents insane.
While school brings its own challenges, the change is very nice. If you’d like some tips to help
your family get ready for the school year, check out this blog.
Changing Colors
Towards the end of the summer, the world starts to look a little brown and dead. Autumn
combats the dreariness by releasing the most beautiful colors: vibrant yellows, rustic reds, and
deep oranges. It’s almost as if the world decided to throw one epic going away party for
You Can Taste Autumn
This sounds a little strange but think about it. The air no longer feels muggy and heavy, and you
can almost taste it. It’s cool, crisp, and refreshing.
Crunchy Leaves
I am the type of person who will go out of my way just to step on a crunchy leaf. I love the way
they sound, feel, and even smell. (While I love the crunch, nothing is more disappointing than
walking to a leaf, stepping on it and hearing silence. I always feel betrayed.)
Stay In Movies
Ok, so this one isn’t specific to fall, but the cool weather suddenly makes it socially acceptable
to stay in, snuggle, and watch Netflix. It’s the perfect time to grab your significant other and
binge watch your favorite shows.
Harvest Season
It’s very easy to eat healthy during the fall as the price of vegetables and fruits drop due to the
harvest. So go to the store and stock up on your favorite produce. If you’re still harvesting a
garden of your own, check out this blog for tips and tricks to help you transition your garden
from summer to fall.
Halloween is my favorite holiday. It’s the one time of the year that you get to literally wear
whatever you want, and it’s totally fine. You can be a princess, a superhero, an ear of corn,
whatever! The parties are also a ton of fun.
I also love Thanksgiving. If I could, I would have a Thanksgiving feast every day of the year
(unfortunately, my figure would not thank me). It’s also great to get together with friends and
family and celebrate everything that you have to be thankful for.
Football Season
Football season is finally here! It’s always fun to scream your heart out at a game watching your
favorite annihilate their opponents.
Drinking Hot Chocolate
I am a personal fan of hot chocolate, ciders, teas and other tasty drinks. Unfortunately, they’re
too hot to drink during most of the year, but during the fall, they’re a perfect way to relax after a
long day at work.