A new window installation can make a striking difference in your home’s appearance, inside and out. If improving your home’s appearance isn’t enough to motivate you to replace your existing windows, however, you need to know when a new installation is the most practical option. Hanging on to old windows for too long a period can cost you money and lower the quality of your life at home. Any of the following four warning signs can indicate that it’s time to replace your windows.
Structural Damage
Over time, leaks and gaps can develop between your older windows and the building envelope that surrounds your home. Once that seal is broken, rain, snow and even high humidity levels can drive moisture into your walls and flooring. Wood rot can lead to costly repairs and even threaten your home’s structural integrity. Wet building materials also provide the perfect breeding ground for allergens like mold, mildew and bacteria. If an inspection of your windows indicates water invasion, it’s time for a new window installation.
Rising Heating and Cooling Bills
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a new window installation can reduce your heating and cooling bills by as much as 15 percent or more. If your energy bills spike during periods of extreme weather, it may be worth your while to consider window replacements, particularly if your current windows are outdated single-pane models. Windows equipped with double- or triple-pan insulated glass are far more energy efficient than their outmoded older counterparts.
Function and Safety
Unaligned windows can be difficult to open or close, which can leak to pinched fingers and other injuries. Older models of patio glass doors and second-story windows may not have the tempered glass featured in a new installation and may not meet current building code requirements. That can present liability issues should an accident occur in your home. Out-of-date windows that don’t function or lock properly compromise the safety of your home as well.
Drafty or Overheated Rooms
Rattling windows are a sure sign that outdoor air is making its way into your home. In the winter, drafty or poorly insulated windows can make a room feel chilly even when the heater is blasting warm air. During the summer, standard windows can let up to 75 percent of the sun’s heat into your home’s living spaces, according to the EPA. High efficiency windows reduce heat gain and eliminate drafts, allowing you to enjoy the level of comfort that you expect from your home-sweet-home.