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5 Dorm Room Storage Solutions

College is one of the most exciting times of your life, filled with opportunities for growth, incredible experiences, and for many people the discovery of what they want to do with the rest of their lives. There’s a lot on your plate, and dorm room organization probably takes up the lowest spot on the list of what’s important in any given week. It’s hard to find fault in that, unless the floor of your room has now disappeared under a thick layer of clothing, books and take out food containers. Yet even clean freaks need some help getting organized. Dorm rooms are almost always cramped, and you usually have a roommate. That’s twice the amount of clutter to deal with. So try out these five dorm room storage solutions to reclaim your room today.Read More »5 Dorm Room Storage Solutions

5 Ways for College Students to Get Organized

The four-plus years you’ll spend at college certainly have the potential to be the best times of your life. It’s packed with exciting opportunities for learning, new friendships and romantic relationships, and experiencing life on your terms for the first time. Every piece is fantastic on its own, but put together it can be downright overwhelming. Not everyone is ready to juggle the tight schedule and life management required to be successful. And those that are often see something else drop out. Clutter may be a side effect of genius, but most college students are just downright lost. Here are five ways college students can get organized, and see their lives just work better.Read More »5 Ways for College Students to Get Organized

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